

Children's Ministry

Chinese School

Sunday Sermons




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Welcome to PECC               

welcome word      welcome people gif                                                                    

迎你!我們是匹玆堡東區華人教會(PECC).  無論你是否一位重生得救的基督徒, 我們都謁誠的歡迎你來參加我們的一切活. 

PECC是以宣揚耶穌基督及其褔音為宗旨.  我們不單願服務會眾及社區, 並願這褔音延伸到更遠的地方.  籍著團契,禱告,敬拜,傳褔音,教導,及事奉神等等活動使信徒能增長成為基督的身體, 闊展  神的國度.

盼望能在這個屬神的家裡見到您, 共享神的愛!

God Is Love. 神就是愛

 Welcome!  We are Pittsburgh East Chinese Church (PECC).  No matter whether you are a born again Christian or not, we earnestly welcome you to participate our routine activities. 

The purpose of PECC is to proclaim Jesus and His Gospel; not only to all people in the congregation, the community, but also wish to extend to farther lands.  Through fellowship gatherings, prayers, worship services, evangelizing,

teaching and study the Bible; we want Christians to grow together as the body of Jesus Christ and to enlarge His Kingdom.

We are looking forward to seeing you, and sharing  you the love from God!

Program Schedules  聚會時間

Sunday Worship  主日崇拜: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Sunday School 主日學  :     5:30pm-6:30pm 

Friday Night Fellowship Meetings 星期五團契:

                           Fellowship         7:30 p.m-7:45 p.m

                          Singspiration         7:45 p.m-8:15  p.m

                       Message sharing    8:15 p.m-9:30 p.m


christian believer