匹 茲 堡 東 區 華 人 教 會
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歡迎你!我們是匹玆堡東區華人教會(PECC). 無論你是否一位重生得救的基督徒, 我們都謁誠的歡迎你來參加我們的一切活動.
PECC是以宣揚耶穌基督及其褔音為宗旨. 我們不單願服務會眾及社區, 並願這褔音延伸到更遠的地方. 籍著團契,禱告,敬拜,傳褔音,教導,及事奉神等等活動使信徒能增長成為基督的身體, 闊展 神的國度.
盼望能在這個屬神的家裡見到您, 共享神的愛!
God Is Love. 神就是愛
The purpose of PECC is to proclaim Jesus and His Gospel; not only to all
people in the congregation, the community, but also wish to extend to
farther lands. Through
fellowship gatherings, prayers, worship services, evangelizing,
teaching and study the Bible; we want Christians to grow together as the
body of Jesus Christ and to enlarge His Kingdom.
Program Schedules 聚會時間:Sunday Worship 主日崇拜: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Sunday School 主日學 : 5:30pm-6:30pm Friday Night Fellowship Meetings 星期五團契: Fellowship 7:30 p.m-7:45 p.m Singspiration 7:45 p.m-8:15 p.m Message sharing 8:15 p.m-9:30 p.m